Thursday 8 January 2015

January 2015...

Only time for two tiny paintings so far this month before returning to Durban to finalise some urgent business. The urge to colour my life will not be denied for too long, I suspect. The open road and spaces are calling already...

December 2014...




Settled into a new workspace! My scale has increased and I'm VERY excited about where my brush is taking me now. To say that I enjoyed doing these paintings is a bit of an understatement - they made me HAPPY!

November 2014...



Another year older and finalising the last problems with becoming a retired civil servant. Free time with some financial security lightens the soul and the hand holding the brush...

October 2014...

Only two paintings... again! But, I'm slowly gaining enough confidence to start enjoying the light again. Long way to go, but settling into a better rythm.

September 2014...

Not a very productive month, but two are better than none. Overhauling your life is a streneous and time consuming affair, but in the end you do get there.

August 2014 saw one child only.

Too much admin and disruption of  a 25 year existence, but a new era ahead brought its own excitement. The anticipation of finally having all my time to myself was daunting and required a lot of rethinking of goals. New places and new faces, and new ways of seeing life and future will hopefully translate into new skills in painting also.

June 2014 was a mad month, but ...




I managed another week or two on the road before working a notice month in July (no time for painting, of course...)

May 2014 was spent on the road ...


The idea of retirement became an urgent thought - we live in a beautiful country with a thousand faces. I'd like to meet most of them in the next couple of years and give them colour and a place on canvas.

April 2014's efforts.




 Some were started on the road and finished later. By the end of November 2014 they all found homes and my birthday was a happy one!

These were the March 2014 paintings...




A slight enjoyment of colour started creeping into the end results. The second one is still searching for a home, but the rest have found places :-).

During February 2014 the paintings were small...




 The confidence levels were pretty low! I'm happy that they have all found homes, though.

The frame was done in the Cape by the owner and she was kind enough to forward this photograph.

First oil painting done in January 2014. Also the first oil attempted after ten years of dormancy. It now resides in Cape Town.


Watercolours done during October 2013

Watercolours done during September 2013